Thursday, January 13, 2011

Weird Facts

A fact is a piece of information that is true. There are infinite facts in the universe because you can say that 2 is greater than 1, 3 is greater than 1, etc, all up to infinity.

Sometimes though, people are very stupid when it comes to determining what is a fact or is not a fact. Your opinion is not a weird facts. It's your opinion, subjective, not true.

The only way to classify something as a fact is to prove it. Otherwise, it's a theory. some of the most famous math theories aren't considered facts yet because there's no way to prove that nothing in the universe will disprove it.

Once something disproves it, it's not a fact. Under a certain condition in our universe, that true piece of information is no longer true and is false.

For a list of weird facts, visit

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